Friday, June 13, 2008

A Mother's Rear"view"

A Mother's Rear"view", originally uploaded by leahOOt.

This is one of my favorite shots. One day early this Spring I was driving home and I took notice of how "green" the grass and fields were starting to look... still, just the ground though, no blossoming buds in the trees. But it was refreshing to see the grey dull winter disappearing under the vivid green of Spring. Then I looked backed and had a "mother moment"... my "blossom" looked so peaceful... I began to think about how much she had changed and how fast she was growing up even at a young age of 2 1/2. Soon she would be in Elementary School, then Middle School, then High School and Proms and then graduation and then WHEW... finally, in the driveway and the moment was gone... not before a few tears escaped but well before the sobbing and questioning of how I was doing as a mother, friend, wife, sister, daughter, coworker... and WOW, almost another moment! All you mothers can relate!

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