Friday, June 13, 2008

Fit to Swim

Fit to Swim, originally uploaded by leahOOt.

Well, once again I'm out smarted by a 2 1/2 year old. It's been storming and raining off and on all day. When we got home from work, of course the kids wanted to play outside. Now, my 6 year old didn't argue for the mere fact he has been grounded from "fun" until the playroom is cleaned... but my lovely daughter just wouldn't take NO for an answer. I tried pretty much everything... let's clean (she used to get excited over this, but she's starting to understand a vaccum isn't a fun toy), let's make brownies (ummm... some consideration but... no), so I just told it like it was... "Honey it's raining out, we'll get all wet." Off she storms to her bedroom. Thinking I "won" this itty bitty battle, I started in on some laundry. Low and behold... she comes running out of her room in her bathing suit and out the door she went!

Why haven't I learned how not to underestimate a 2 year old? And another point... do mom's ever really "win"?


Liz Harrell said...

I'm not sure if mom's ever win (not being one myself), but I DO know that that picture is the exact reason I swim in shorts. It's adorable on her, of course... but not on adults. Especially me. :)

katylinvw said...

what a creative little one! this is adorable!