Monday, June 30, 2008

One Wonderful Weekend...

June 21-22 was one wonderful weekend here at the house. Despite the circumstances of the visit, we got to spend some time with our families from the West Coast. The time was spent swimming in the pond, playing on the giant raft, climbing all over the playset, eating like kings and queens and enjoying the long overdue visit. Many of our kids hadn't met cousin Brian and cousin Sarah and her little boy Mason. And Mason hadn't met any of us. We absolutely adore him and would have never guessed it was his first trip to Ohio. Even though the visits are too few and far between, everyone played so well together... I guess that's all part of being family!

Though the house seemed full, this was still only a small protion of Grandpa & Granny "P's" branch of the Purmort Family Tree. We missed those who weren't here this weekend. But we know soon enough, we'll all gather again... celebrating the wonderful years of Granny P. Until then... the shutter of my camera lens opens and closes and I am happy with what I see... instead of our kids playing this weekend, I am embelished with the memories of my childhood.... the carefree and joyous days when I and my cousins, brother and sister swim at the pool, run around the farm yard, enjoy the family hog roast, take a hay ride to an unknown place and hear yet another spooky and haunted story by the Uncle's... it just seems like yesterday... and I can close my eyes... smile... and allow a few tears to slowing escape from the corners of my eyes...

Until next post.... remember, all you need is a lil' bit-o luv!

Friday, June 27, 2008

One more post today...

Wow, not posting all week and then I just can't stop today... this will be the last until tomorrow (hopefully, if I stick to choosing not to float this weekend, I will be able and free to blog!!!) So, anyway... as I'm typing, I look at my left hand and notice I forgot to wear my wedding ring today. I'm sitting at work (my day job) and everything just seems blah... I'm blah... the office seems blah... then I look down and my hand looks blah... I do however, like the fact I have a tan line from wearing my ring. It must mean I'm getting out in the sun and not just cleaning, doing laundry... etc. So, anyway back to my ring... it made me think about a wonderful post my BFF Shannon wrote about Security . The day I read this I instantly thought of my "security blanket" being my wedding ring. Please check out her post! Here is a tidbit: Shannon: "What is your security/habit/freaky weird personal possession?" My Comment: "My wedding band... no matter how happy, sad, blah, freightened, lost, quirky, goofy, bitchy, etc. etc. etc. I feel, I can look down at my wedding band and know that my husband loves me unconditionally through the thick and the thin. He is my comfort, my shelter, my security from day to day life. Without him I am incomplete!"

See... I'm having a "blah" day and I don't have my security blanket to comfort me!

Now go on over and post your comment on Shannon's blog about your security blanket...

Until tomorrow~ Leah

To Float or not to Float... this is the question!

I just got done with a wonderful lunch time read over at Mable's House. I always enjoy her posts. Today was an especially nice post on floating along in life. Please check out her link and then you decide to float or not float. I'm going to try my best to NOT FLOAT this weekend... unless of course I'm floating in the pond with Owen and Olivia... now, go check out Mable's House...
I couldn't resist throwing in a photo for this post... obviously, Olivia has chose to float :)

My Husband Rocks Friday... literally!

My husband and I have a landscaping business. I handle all the administrative items like billing, receivables, payroll and taxes. My husband is the hardcore laborer and designer... He "ROCKS" at it... literally! Our specialty is rock. We get all varieties and sizes shipped weekly from all over the country. We are unique and promise to provide a rewarding and low maintenance landscape for your enjoyment. Here a just a few pictures of how My Husband Rocks...

The above is our pond in the evening (and fall... haven't downloaded a recent summer shot, yet!). Notice how Troy placed a "sitting" rock on the beach (there is another one closer to the water on the other end of the beach) With the umbrellas we add in the summer, these make for great seats while watching the kids play. And seats you don't have to store in the winter! There are also large slabs of rock used as "steps" down to the paddle boat... and then he uses riverrock along the other three sides of the pond...

This is our friends house we have been working on... Lucy is our Supervisor! Troy likes to take areas off the side of your house and create a mound as an accent area. Here it placed large pieces of outcropping rock as the border.

A favorite from last summer. Troy took an ordinary hill to the side of a pond and created this waterfall. There are so many varieties of rock, outcropping and boulders here... it really does ROCK (pun intended)!

Here is our back yard... riverrock is used in place of mulch (a must in the country or any "windy" city!) as ground cover in our landscaped areas... he also used a border of boulders around the tree and large outcropping pieces as a step/landing for each hammock.

So, here is this Friday's issue of My Husband Rocks Friday. I took it "literally"... Have a great weekend ~ Le
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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beauty on an otherwise stormy day...

I haven't been able to post this week due to my stubborn mind not being able to decide what I should name my post... see I had the most amazing weekend with family... I have so many thoughts racing around in my head on what direction to take my post... not to mention the 100's of photos I snapped of cousins playing around the yard... climbing, swimming, sand surfing... etc. So, as I sit on yet another stormy afternoon, wondering about my future post, I am reminded of our wonderful weekend everytime I look at this beautiful "Thank You" bouquet from my West Coast Family! Stay tuned for a better, detailed blog of my weekend visit with family... until then, enjoy my view!

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Husband Rocks Friday

Thanks to Katy Linn at The Great Adventure , she has created "My Husband Rocks" Fridays. We are to post anything, be it quirky, loving, romantic, silly, etc. about why our husbands rock. She got the idea when she found a company From*me Tees! who's mission is "to enhance marriage relationships, communicate a positive image of marriage and encourage/support the sanctity of the marriage covenant between a man and a woman in a fun and stylish way. (for more, read Mission Refleciton) Please, check out these links I provided to learn more about these wonderful people. But for now... here is my "tid-bit" on why my husband rocks:

When I received my first bouquet of flowers, a romantic jester to tell me he was "looking forward to our dinner"... why wouldn't I fall head over heals?! And to be honest, it wasn't the fact he remembered my favorite flower was the yellow rose, it was the fact he went out and bought an actual card from the card store. He then headed down to the flower shop and picked out the twelve yellow roses and made sure the standard "business" card afixed the plastic "fork" in the pot was not part of the bouquet. They delivered the beautiful bouquet of yellow roses along with the card he wrote in and signed himself. Now... why is this so important... well, to me, it shows he is very much one to be "involved" in all facets of life. He takes the extra steps and goes the extra mile... perfection and detail is important to him (wow... he married me... I should feel honored!)... and it's remained this way through the first five years of our marriage. I don't tell him enough about these "little" things that mean the most!

This is just one way in which "My Husband Rocks".... please take some time to join the group and tell us all how your husband rocks. I love reading everyone's stories!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Brother & Sister ~ Love Thursday

I think all the fighting and bickering between my son and daughter is a facade... something they know gets under my skin and gets them the attention they want when I'm attempting to do chores around the house. If I could keep the irritated, witchy, where did she get that broom stick side of me locked up when I'm breaking up a wrestling match or taking toys away they won't share, I think there would be more love moments. I really think they enjoy the "Mom goes Wicked Witch fo the South on us" episodes too much... I'm sure I laughed a few times when my mother "turned witch" in my younger years.

Anyway... I know they truly love each other and this photo is very fitting. Owen is such a protector when it comes to Olivia. And she is his little shadow... following his every move.

I love this shot!

Click on my Shutter Sister button on the left side to see more "Love Thursday" photos from various photographers. Thank you Shutter Sister for creating such a wonderful website!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Fit to Swim

Fit to Swim, originally uploaded by leahOOt.

Well, once again I'm out smarted by a 2 1/2 year old. It's been storming and raining off and on all day. When we got home from work, of course the kids wanted to play outside. Now, my 6 year old didn't argue for the mere fact he has been grounded from "fun" until the playroom is cleaned... but my lovely daughter just wouldn't take NO for an answer. I tried pretty much everything... let's clean (she used to get excited over this, but she's starting to understand a vaccum isn't a fun toy), let's make brownies (ummm... some consideration but... no), so I just told it like it was... "Honey it's raining out, we'll get all wet." Off she storms to her bedroom. Thinking I "won" this itty bitty battle, I started in on some laundry. Low and behold... she comes running out of her room in her bathing suit and out the door she went!

Why haven't I learned how not to underestimate a 2 year old? And another point... do mom's ever really "win"?

A Mother's Rear"view"

A Mother's Rear"view", originally uploaded by leahOOt.

This is one of my favorite shots. One day early this Spring I was driving home and I took notice of how "green" the grass and fields were starting to look... still, just the ground though, no blossoming buds in the trees. But it was refreshing to see the grey dull winter disappearing under the vivid green of Spring. Then I looked backed and had a "mother moment"... my "blossom" looked so peaceful... I began to think about how much she had changed and how fast she was growing up even at a young age of 2 1/2. Soon she would be in Elementary School, then Middle School, then High School and Proms and then graduation and then WHEW... finally, in the driveway and the moment was gone... not before a few tears escaped but well before the sobbing and questioning of how I was doing as a mother, friend, wife, sister, daughter, coworker... and WOW, almost another moment! All you mothers can relate!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Here are our Peony Prince's and Princess' from this past weekend's Peony Parade... yes, we live in small town Midwest Ohio so this is the season for small town festivals and parades. This particular weekend is know as "One Wonderful Experience." Our town is packed full with local artists, musicians, animal lovers, craft lovers, food lovers, etc. etc. etc. And Saturday evening is the 100(+) year old Peony Parade. As one of the oldest businesses in our hometown, we entered my father's 63 Lincoln in the parade and let the grandkids ride on the back. They were terrific! Next year the committee should put together a Peony Prince and Princess contest for young kids... my two kids and my 4 nieces and nephews would surely be the top pick!!!
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Meet the newest member of the family...

Kermit Michael the Frog
It is official, frog hunting season is among us. We spend hours walking around the pond, sitting on rocks, just waiting for the frogs to surface. Once they surface, the poor amphibians only have a few seconds of fresh air and sunshine before the lovely beasts (my two children) scare them back to the darkness. Owen has yet to catch one and Olivia just observes, doing pretty much whatever Owen does, with the exception of trying to touch one. Anyway, Kermit Michael is actually getting pretty daring (or just plain mad) and is starting to engage in staring contests with Owen. It's funny... I think if Kermit Michael were to actually speak, he'd be teasing Owen and laughing hysterically at how "slow" he is. Kermit Michael seems to stare Owen down until Owen's hand is just about around his slimy body, then he shoots back into the water, frightening all of us watching... "Those stupid humans... they think they can actually catch me!"... laughing all the way back to his amphibian family!
Oh, you are asking, "why is it Kermit Michael?" Well, for some reason whenever there is something new at home, be it a tree, plant, rock, kitty, or in this case, a frog... we've always asked Owen what we should name it. So, we have Michael the Maple, Michael the "Big Red Rock", Michael the Medim-sized Knockout Rose Bush, Michael the Large Topiary... and many, many more! So, when I asked him what we should name our first frog of the summer, I told him we couldn't have any more Michael's and that I really wanted something original like "Kermit"... Owen came back with a counter offer... so be it... Kermit Michael!
Oh... we long for summers at the ranch!
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