Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Here are our Peony Prince's and Princess' from this past weekend's Peony Parade... yes, we live in small town Midwest Ohio so this is the season for small town festivals and parades. This particular weekend is know as "One Wonderful Experience." Our town is packed full with local artists, musicians, animal lovers, craft lovers, food lovers, etc. etc. etc. And Saturday evening is the 100(+) year old Peony Parade. As one of the oldest businesses in our hometown, we entered my father's 63 Lincoln in the parade and let the grandkids ride on the back. They were terrific! Next year the committee should put together a Peony Prince and Princess contest for young kids... my two kids and my 4 nieces and nephews would surely be the top pick!!!
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1 comment:

loree2000 said...

Those photos are adorable! We live in Ohio too. We are an hour south of Colombus.