It's about a two mile walk... country mile that is. Open spaces, telephone poles, farmland and the wonderful scent of the dairy. When we got to the dairy, the cows stuck their heads through the fences to greet us. I tried to get Olivia to walk up to say hi, but her comment was... "ooo, yucky..." while clamping her nose shut. I guess the fresh scent of manure didn't appeal to little O.
Once we got to the pasture, the horses came right to Olivia's call... "Hey horses"... in a two year old screaming voice. She was extremely hard to keep in the stroller, so I decided to let her out. BIG mistake... keeping her out of the fence was a struggle! I was not prepared at all for her NOT being affriad or intimidated by these not so small "pets". I was trying to take pictures but needless to say, I felt it was probably better to hold on to her.
A little bit about Olivia: for the past year, yes since she's been one... her favorite things are water, tractors and horses. Wherever we go, she points out any and all bits of water (puddles, creeks, ponds - even those "ponds" in the middle of fields which have poor drainage), all tractors or anything remotely close to a tractor, and all horses (sometimes it's her pointing out the barns or pastures in disgust that there is no horse out for her to see.) So, about two months ago this neighbor we frequently pass by to/from our home, had two new ponies. And ever since, we HAVE to go by this barn no matter where we go. And, those of you who know what a 2 year old is like in a car when they don't get what they want will completely understand why I choose to go by the horses EVERYDAY, regardless where we are heading! Anyway, my point in this statment is that most kids go through a faze... they love a toy to death for a week or so and then it gets old and they move on, sometimes coming back in a month or so and sometimes forgetting it all together. So, Troy and I are thinking this is just another faze... However, this "horse/pony" faze has gone on now everyday for about two months. The other night, she so adorably and gently rubbed my cheek while I was putting her to bed and quietly whispered, "Me horsey birtday....". Then, continued on babbling some gibber jabber all while shaking her head up and down, batting her big brown eyes and eventually getting back to part of a sentence I could translate to "me birtday horsey!" I shook my head in the same way, smiled and gently rubber her face, replying "Honey, let's go to sleep and you can ask daddy in the morning!"
Wouldn't you know... the next morning she woke up asking for Troy... running out to the kitchen and asked him for a horse for her birthday!
Don't underestimate a "woman" (even at age 2) who already knows what she wants!
Is this really a faze?

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