Saturday, May 31, 2008
Emotions of a Mother...
Well, the emotions of motherhood set in this past week... my oldest has graduated from Pre-K. He's quite the ham, as these photo show, so I shouldn't bat an eye. However, the tears are flowing as my first born becomes more independent. I know he is ready... he can say his ABC's, count to 100, tie his shoes, recite his address and phone number, etc. he loves to be challenged, and he's ready for what's to come. But, again, I'm saddened at the fact he's growing into a little man and it just all seems to have happened too quick!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Scratch & Sniff
Well this evening I ventured out in the backyard and noticed Spring has finally arrived! Maybe it's been here a few weeks, but tonight, I took notice. First of the vibrant colors (thanks to my loving husband who always remembers my love of yellow and purple)... second the amazingly fresh and powerful scent of my three Purple Lilacs (if only this could be a scratch and sniff sticker for my readers!) These are truly my favorite Spring blossoms... I could lie in the hammock and snooze all night with their invigorating scent lingering around me... but, it is still a little chilly for the hammock AND the mere fact we didn't have enough time this past weekend to get them out would leave me no choice but to resort to the not so soft Arkansas outcropping rock (a little landscaping lingo coming out there...) So, I think I'll retire to my bed and dream of lying in the hammock with the Lilac's floral scent dancing all around me.
Sweet dreams ~
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Faze or not?
Last night was a beautiful night. The boys had gone to pick up plants, so Ollie and I decided to go see her new found loves... the neighbors horses and ponies.
It's about a two mile walk... country mile that is. Open spaces, telephone poles, farmland and the wonderful scent of the dairy. When we got to the dairy, the cows stuck their heads through the fences to greet us. I tried to get Olivia to walk up to say hi, but her comment was... "ooo, yucky..." while clamping her nose shut. I guess the fresh scent of manure didn't appeal to little O.
Once we got to the pasture, the horses came right to Olivia's call... "Hey horses"... in a two year old screaming voice. She was extremely hard to keep in the stroller, so I decided to let her out. BIG mistake... keeping her out of the fence was a struggle! I was not prepared at all for her NOT being affriad or intimidated by these not so small "pets". I was trying to take pictures but needless to say, I felt it was probably better to hold on to her.
A little bit about Olivia: for the past year, yes since she's been one... her favorite things are water, tractors and horses. Wherever we go, she points out any and all bits of water (puddles, creeks, ponds - even those "ponds" in the middle of fields which have poor drainage), all tractors or anything remotely close to a tractor, and all horses (sometimes it's her pointing out the barns or pastures in disgust that there is no horse out for her to see.) So, about two months ago this neighbor we frequently pass by to/from our home, had two new ponies. And ever since, we HAVE to go by this barn no matter where we go. And, those of you who know what a 2 year old is like in a car when they don't get what they want will completely understand why I choose to go by the horses EVERYDAY, regardless where we are heading! Anyway, my point in this statment is that most kids go through a faze... they love a toy to death for a week or so and then it gets old and they move on, sometimes coming back in a month or so and sometimes forgetting it all together. So, Troy and I are thinking this is just another faze... However, this "horse/pony" faze has gone on now everyday for about two months. The other night, she so adorably and gently rubbed my cheek while I was putting her to bed and quietly whispered, "Me horsey birtday....". Then, continued on babbling some gibber jabber all while shaking her head up and down, batting her big brown eyes and eventually getting back to part of a sentence I could translate to "me birtday horsey!" I shook my head in the same way, smiled and gently rubber her face, replying "Honey, let's go to sleep and you can ask daddy in the morning!"
Wouldn't you know... the next morning she woke up asking for Troy... running out to the kitchen and asked him for a horse for her birthday!
Don't underestimate a "woman" (even at age 2) who already knows what she wants!
Is this really a faze?

It's about a two mile walk... country mile that is. Open spaces, telephone poles, farmland and the wonderful scent of the dairy. When we got to the dairy, the cows stuck their heads through the fences to greet us. I tried to get Olivia to walk up to say hi, but her comment was... "ooo, yucky..." while clamping her nose shut. I guess the fresh scent of manure didn't appeal to little O.
Once we got to the pasture, the horses came right to Olivia's call... "Hey horses"... in a two year old screaming voice. She was extremely hard to keep in the stroller, so I decided to let her out. BIG mistake... keeping her out of the fence was a struggle! I was not prepared at all for her NOT being affriad or intimidated by these not so small "pets". I was trying to take pictures but needless to say, I felt it was probably better to hold on to her.
A little bit about Olivia: for the past year, yes since she's been one... her favorite things are water, tractors and horses. Wherever we go, she points out any and all bits of water (puddles, creeks, ponds - even those "ponds" in the middle of fields which have poor drainage), all tractors or anything remotely close to a tractor, and all horses (sometimes it's her pointing out the barns or pastures in disgust that there is no horse out for her to see.) So, about two months ago this neighbor we frequently pass by to/from our home, had two new ponies. And ever since, we HAVE to go by this barn no matter where we go. And, those of you who know what a 2 year old is like in a car when they don't get what they want will completely understand why I choose to go by the horses EVERYDAY, regardless where we are heading! Anyway, my point in this statment is that most kids go through a faze... they love a toy to death for a week or so and then it gets old and they move on, sometimes coming back in a month or so and sometimes forgetting it all together. So, Troy and I are thinking this is just another faze... However, this "horse/pony" faze has gone on now everyday for about two months. The other night, she so adorably and gently rubbed my cheek while I was putting her to bed and quietly whispered, "Me horsey birtday....". Then, continued on babbling some gibber jabber all while shaking her head up and down, batting her big brown eyes and eventually getting back to part of a sentence I could translate to "me birtday horsey!" I shook my head in the same way, smiled and gently rubber her face, replying "Honey, let's go to sleep and you can ask daddy in the morning!"
Wouldn't you know... the next morning she woke up asking for Troy... running out to the kitchen and asked him for a horse for her birthday!
Don't underestimate a "woman" (even at age 2) who already knows what she wants!
Is this really a faze?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

~ Today we spent the day outside... it was a beautiful spring day! I was feeling a little under the weather, but the kids kept me busy so I didn't think about it. We went through gallons of bubbles, though it was hard to catch them due to the breeze. I'd love to be able to capture one in a photo... you can bet I'll be practicing all summer! Hope everyone's holiday weekend is relazing and enjoyable ~
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Treasured moments...
It's 7:43am and I'm awakened to an ever so piercing phone ringing... it's Troy wanting to talk to Owen before his ball practive... Holy Moly... BALL PRACTICE! Scurrying around I find Owen, not in bed, but in the kitchen, "Hi Mommy, I'm making breakfast!"... The smell of toast and a fresh pot of coffee are in the air. COFFEE.... my son knows how to make coffee?! "How wonderful, I can't wait to drink a cup, Owen," but I'm still pondering how he knew to make it... how much water and how much coffee? I can't even get it right half the time. Needless to say, I explained to Owen how I had forgotten to set the alarm (or was it set for 6:30am and in my head I said we didn't need to get up this early and crawled back in bed!) and I needed him to get dressed really quick. Pawpaw, my father-in-law, was taking him to practice. And, by this time, Pawpaw had joined us in the kitchen... mind you, I just got out of bed and hadn't made one stop in the bathroom yet! Owen, like the good little son he is, ran off, got dressed and off they went.
Welcome to the weekend... aaaahhhh... it's quiet now. Only the sound of the keyboard and the birds chirping outside the window. I'm posting, Owen is at practice, Troy is off to work, Olivia is snug as a bug and this is truly the best cup of coffee I've had in months....
Until next time, remember ~ all you need is a lil Bit-o Luv
Welcome to the weekend... aaaahhhh... it's quiet now. Only the sound of the keyboard and the birds chirping outside the window. I'm posting, Owen is at practice, Troy is off to work, Olivia is snug as a bug and this is truly the best cup of coffee I've had in months....
Until next time, remember ~ all you need is a lil Bit-o Luv
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thanks Kellie~
I am a newbee to all this blogging. And I'm an intermediate photographer. I've been trying to figure out a way to "show off" my works of art but couldn't figure out which way I wanted to go, be it website, photosharing, or good ole emails to family and friends that take forever to load if your internet connection isn't fast enough. So, after months and months of contimplating, I decided to dive into BLOGS... My friend Kellie and very much like me... wife, mother of two, works 9-5, etc got me hooked on a few sites and here we are at "Lil' Bit-o Luv". You'll find I love capturing the innocent, life altering moments of m two kiddos. And, I'm sure I'll throw in a few miscellaneous shots, as well.
KELLIE, you've been a great help... I hope you enjoy keeping up-to-date with my family as much as I do yours... we'll be chatting!
KELLIE, you've been a great help... I hope you enjoy keeping up-to-date with my family as much as I do yours... we'll be chatting!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Take me out to the ball game...
Well, not quite baseball weather here in Ohio, but we headed out to the ball diamond regardless. Owen's first game of the season last night and they WON~ Go Dodgers!! Owen has been practicing since the snow melted... it's everyday after work "Mom can we play baseball?"... so it's nice to actually be "playing". He moved up a level this year so he's on of the youngest. I was a little worried but Owen is one of the top hitters on the team. He hit each time he was up and when I say hit... it was in the outfield. His first hit of the game was a double... to bad the runner ahead of him didn't run on to third! Owen ended up getting tagged out... what was the other kid thinking not running on to third! I need to coach! In this league, they pitch the ball and they play 5 strikes you're out rather than tree. Now let's switch over to defense... he did great and looked great... he has a good stance and "game face".... believe it or not... looks do matter in sports (words from the professional... my husband)... you have to look the part to play the part... and take it serious (more words from the professional). Owen actually "caught" the ball or actually went after the ball during his stint as the catcher. We do need to work on getting the glove down so the balls don't go through the legs... this happened twice :( All in all, we are very proud of him and we can't wait until the next game. On a side note... Olivia was suprisingly good and enjoyed playing around and watching big brother (only once did she try to "join" the team as the first baseman)... this enabled me to take some great shots of Owen in action ~ enjoy!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Since I'm not a writer...
I've decided to write a little bit and share photos A LOT... i love to photograph my family... there is nothing better for me than capturing the sweetness and innocense of children. Although, i know they are not always sweet and innocent... i can look at the pictures and smile regardless. i hope anyone who looks at our blog will enjoy them as much as i do.
until next post ~ remember, all you need is a lil' bit-o luv!
until next post ~ remember, all you need is a lil' bit-o luv!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Ode to Sha
i am not a writer by any means, but inspired by my best friend to journal. "Sha" always inspires me with her words, her whit and all the other "hidden" talents... she is a dreamer and the one i look to for enlightenment and encouragement. although we are miles apart, she is always on my mind and in my heart. So this first blog is dedicated to her... i hope to be here daily to share my thoughts and to gain back what i've felt i've lost over the last 8 years... myself.
until next time~ remember all you need is a lil' bit-o Luv :)
until next time~ remember all you need is a lil' bit-o Luv :)
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