Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Time to stop...
I try to shake the dulldrums but thoughts of 2008 race in my mind, the date on the calendar is 24 Dec... I think of Granny P... she would be 88 today! Tears trickle and I silently sing happy b-day... and then the thought of cherry cordials appears... she loved thoughs... I smile and chuckle!
I open an email from a dear friend... always one to shed light and help me realize the good... Happy and Jolly reappear and I am thankful... for family, friends, coworkers, my job, the roof over my head, the food in my pantry and the clothes on my body...
It's time to stop the hustle and bustle, take a deep breathe and remember what Christmas is all about... Thank you Greg!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all~ Le
From Greg:
Good Morning,
It is that time of year reflect back and look at everything we have accomplished this year, and look forward to 2009. As I reflect back, I think about what I did or could have done to be a positive influence on someone.....Alot of times, I look to my family....and think, could I have been a better Dad, a better wife, taken more time with the is so important to me....and I am sure to all of you as well....the times you spend with family is doesn't cost anything (it shouldn't) often do we take "time" to talk with siblings, parents, grandparents....take a day to go for a walk with them...and truly ask them about their lives, and what they are doing and if there is anything we can do for them....and just "listen"....most of us probably talk alot, but just listen.....
The last couple years, I have mentioned that my son has gone on a mission trip from our church....he did it again this year without me......which was sad, and tough on was somewhat preparing me for his leaving for college next September I guess....anyway, he went to Gutemala....and distributed medicine to families, took blood pressure, and actually got to do some stitching on a patient who had a surgery....he worked on the medical he wants to go to medical school...what a great experience....but the best part gave him another chance to see how other people live, and what they don't have....and truly how much he has....even better, was that when he came home, he told us he doesn't need much for Christmas....and as a family we donated stuff to a charity......
I guess when we all think of the holidays......remember your them, spend time with them, encourage them, and give them what they is to short to not take the time....we take so much for included, and yet we have soooo much....we are blessed as people and a nation....and others have so little......if we all dedicated to giving to one person in need during the holidays, we could make a put a smile on someone else's many people are homeless, and will not have anything for Christmas.....I truly am Thankful for what I have.....and for all of you, and the relationships we have built....its because of the partnership we have, that we have success.....
Thank you all for being the people you are.....and in 2009, look to be even better....look to make a difference in one persons life......give to someone who has hardly anything, and is truly in with family.....hug your kids and spouses every night...and tell them how much you love is to short not is busy, but family is forever......make sure you tell them that every day......
May God bless you this holiday season with happiness, joy, peace and good health.......
Friday, November 7, 2008
Waking up Happy!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Just like riding a bike...
While I was gone, I missed Olivia's first dance class but came to find out parents aren't aloud to watch. So, thankfully, I really didn't miss anything. She continues to have dance every Tuesday and is loving it. She wants to wear tights and bodysuits every day. You may remember a time this was "cool and in style" attire. I may even have a few of those snap crotch body suits tucked away somewhere for when the 90's attire comes back full circle! Anyway, she practices her twirls and marching all over now... even down the aisles of the grocery store. She's quite good! She enjoys the hour with her cousin Ellie... I'd love to be a fly on the wall.
Owen continues to love Kindergarden. We enjoy getting to hear all about his new friends, what fun things he learns and all the fun he has at recess! Is it abnormal that a kindergardener's favorite thing about school at this age is the two recesses? He does great at homework and always has good stories to tell. We continue to get good reports from the teachers, despite the one call we got from the Principal's office. YEP... that's right. I got back to work from lunch one day to a note stating, "call the school." When I called, the Principal asked me to hold on for a minute as she was going to put me on speaker phone with Owen. Seems he and his best buddy had an altercation in the bathroom... hmmmm! Needless to say, they learned a lesson to keep their hands to themselves and NO PUSHING AND SHOVING. It had to do with wanting to get back to the classroom first... so belts were taken off and pushing was involved. I'm pretty sure from that point on, they are kept apart when not in the classroom.
Owen's flag football started while I was in CA, so we are knee deep in football fever at our house. Monday games (high school), practice Tues-Thur, Friday games (high school), Saturday games (flag football) and then college all afternoon as we sit and take a deep breathe from the week. We (well, me between catching up on laundry and cleaning) also wind down on Sundays as we continue to fullfill our football needs with NFL.... ALL DAY. I sometimes sneak in a movie when the rest of the clan dozes off... but not usually!
Olivia turned 3 on October 9th. We had a small birthday party with the grandparents. She was bummed her cousins were all out of town, but we had a ball anyway. Her cake was Ariel from The Little Mermaid. This is her favorite Disney Princess right now, but Sleeping Beauty is a very close second. She got all kinds of fun stuff for a 3 year old... including a suitcase full of make-up, body glitter and fancy hair clips. I think my Aunt forgot she was only three... we have glitter all over the house... and my toenails this week are all different colors... blue/yellow and pink/yellow. My fingernails were blue over the weekend, but I didn't think it looked to professional so I convinced her to keep it on my toes.
Fall has crept in and we're loving it. Troy continues to keep busy getting yards ready for winter. We have started a few new projects outside at our house with some of the left over plants. It's great being in the landscaping business! As we wind down this fall, we'll keep our fingers crossed for a winter packed full of snow!
The backyard and woods are so colorful and we are having fun back at the camp fire. This past Sunday was our first day for roasting hotdogs and smores. Oh so yummy!!!! We are getting the woods all cleaned up and the paths cleared for the rest of fall and winter. Owen is our wonderful trail leader . It's spooky at night but he leads us through with his flash light... and only once did it go out! But we followed the voices from those hanging around the fire and found our way back.
This weekend is Halloween in Van Wert... trick -or-treat from 4:00 to 6:00 on Saturday. This year, Olivia is Aurora, Owen is Prince Philip and I am dressing up as Maleficent. No... Troy is not following the Sleeping Beauty theme. He is going to be a Treece Landscaper.
I'll get photos up soon. I've been taking sooooooo many. Actually, too many! I can't keep up with putting them on the computer and posting them. Oh well... winter is coming and I'll need things to do. I think...
Hope everyone out here in the blog-o-spere is doing well. All though I haven't been posting, I'm still reading all my favorites. And I admire all of you who post regularly. It's sooooo nice to read about "real" life, keeping away from all the political garbage.
Love to all ~ Le
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Cosmetologist in training...
Saurday morning was a delight. Olivia decided she was big enough to dry her own hair. We were getting ready to go to Daddy's football game, so I let her at it and went about dressing. We left the house, both dolled up and ready to root on the Cougars. See our stylist in action :)

Sunday... not so delightful. We got up early and were sitting at the kitchen table. Troy was doing paperwork, Owen was still half asleep watching cartoons and Olivia wanted to do her type of "paperwork." So, I got the crayons, construction paper and scissors out! Yep... SCISSORS! I helped her cut along the edges and "fringe" the sheet of paper. After a while, we had made quite a mess so I started picking up and then decided to make pancakes and bacon. Unfortunately, when I got up, there was still one sheet of paper, a red crayon and the scissors on the table. And, I won't mention Troy was sitting right beside her. I heard her repeat, "Daddy... Daddy... Daddy..." several times for attention. Then, it was "MOMMY"... and when I looked up all while pouring pancake batter in the hot frying pan, she was holding the scissors in her hand. I think I said something (really stupid) like, "Yes, honey... scissors." Before, I knew it... Troy was screaming and showing me 8 inches of hair that was on the floor! Pancake batter flying and a startled 2 year old screaming, I wisked her away to the bathroom to see the damage. Despite her Dad scarring the bejesus out of here, I got her calmed down and we looked in the mirror... See for yourself... she doesn't look too destraught, huh?

It really wasn't that bad. It's just the front part you can see in this picture. Maybe a little on the sides... like a layered effect. Thankfully, all the glitz and glitter now a days, there are some really great barrettes to help hold these bangs back while they grow out. It could have been A LOT WORSE... like..."She could have cut her finger off!" As Troy is freaking out. "Hair will grow back, honey!" He's still looking at me like I'm going to be able to fix it.