Saurday morning was a delight. Olivia decided she was big enough to dry her own hair. We were getting ready to go to Daddy's football game, so I let her at it and went about dressing. We left the house, both dolled up and ready to root on the Cougars. See our stylist in action :)

Sunday... not so delightful. We got up early and were sitting at the kitchen table. Troy was doing paperwork, Owen was still half asleep watching cartoons and Olivia wanted to do her type of "paperwork." So, I got the crayons, construction paper and scissors out! Yep... SCISSORS! I helped her cut along the edges and "fringe" the sheet of paper. After a while, we had made quite a mess so I started picking up and then decided to make pancakes and bacon. Unfortunately, when I got up, there was still one sheet of paper, a red crayon and the scissors on the table. And, I won't mention Troy was sitting right beside her. I heard her repeat, "Daddy... Daddy... Daddy..." several times for attention. Then, it was "MOMMY"... and when I looked up all while pouring pancake batter in the hot frying pan, she was holding the scissors in her hand. I think I said something (really stupid) like, "Yes, honey... scissors." Before, I knew it... Troy was screaming and showing me 8 inches of hair that was on the floor! Pancake batter flying and a startled 2 year old screaming, I wisked her away to the bathroom to see the damage. Despite her Dad scarring the bejesus out of here, I got her calmed down and we looked in the mirror... See for yourself... she doesn't look too destraught, huh?

It really wasn't that bad. It's just the front part you can see in this picture. Maybe a little on the sides... like a layered effect. Thankfully, all the glitz and glitter now a days, there are some really great barrettes to help hold these bangs back while they grow out. It could have been A LOT WORSE... like..."She could have cut her finger off!" As Troy is freaking out. "Hair will grow back, honey!" He's still looking at me like I'm going to be able to fix it.
Olivia is very talented! Too funny...only because I have been in your shoes before! I'm just waiting for Emma to do the same! I saw Olivia walking with your Mom at the fair on Tuesday (I think it was Tuesday all the days run together) She was smiling at us like she remembered us and said HI! She is so sweet! Thanks for the stories...I love hearing that my kids aren't the only ones that cause headaches and heart attacks!
Hope to see you all soon! Chantal
Oh no... Well as you said it could have been much worse!
I remember getting home from the beauty parlor as a young child (older than your daughter) and decided that my bangs weren't quite even. Evening them out myself was needless to say a bad idea!!! I was putting my hair back with a headband for months as it made things look like I had no bangs just wisps of loose hair, when in actually those wisps were my bangs!
Heart attack CITY right there! :)
I cut my own bangs when I was 12, that was a disaster of giant proportion. :)
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