Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Meet the newest member of the family...

Kermit Michael the Frog
It is official, frog hunting season is among us. We spend hours walking around the pond, sitting on rocks, just waiting for the frogs to surface. Once they surface, the poor amphibians only have a few seconds of fresh air and sunshine before the lovely beasts (my two children) scare them back to the darkness. Owen has yet to catch one and Olivia just observes, doing pretty much whatever Owen does, with the exception of trying to touch one. Anyway, Kermit Michael is actually getting pretty daring (or just plain mad) and is starting to engage in staring contests with Owen. It's funny... I think if Kermit Michael were to actually speak, he'd be teasing Owen and laughing hysterically at how "slow" he is. Kermit Michael seems to stare Owen down until Owen's hand is just about around his slimy body, then he shoots back into the water, frightening all of us watching... "Those stupid humans... they think they can actually catch me!"... laughing all the way back to his amphibian family!
Oh, you are asking, "why is it Kermit Michael?" Well, for some reason whenever there is something new at home, be it a tree, plant, rock, kitty, or in this case, a frog... we've always asked Owen what we should name it. So, we have Michael the Maple, Michael the "Big Red Rock", Michael the Medim-sized Knockout Rose Bush, Michael the Large Topiary... and many, many more! So, when I asked him what we should name our first frog of the summer, I told him we couldn't have any more Michael's and that I really wanted something original like "Kermit"... Owen came back with a counter offer... so be it... Kermit Michael!
Oh... we long for summers at the ranch!
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{oc cottage} said...

Excellent choice!

M ^..^

Liz Harrell said...

I stumbled onto your blog this morning... loved this post. You kids are too cute.